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One Thought

There can be days when you may face a set back or failure in career, family, social life, love life . Something that you really wanted but you could not achieve. You feel like everything is falling apart and all you do fails.

You might not feel like waking up , hitting the gym, going to work. You may have the urge to overeat, grabbing junk food and in turn spoiling your physique you once sweat for.

Remember life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it.

So how to tackle this hard time or difficulty you are facing?

A thought- positive mind and approach.  Nothing lasts forever. Take a deep breath, call up a friend and ask to accompany gym today. Remind yourself of the pain you underwent to get that physique during exercises , you left gorging over your favourite pizza and cake . This will save you from more regret later.

Only you can help yourself , when you are blaming god for where he is when you are going through difficult times , just remember the teacher is always silent during a test. Just one positive thought and you are the winner of the test.

Self talk can play an important role here. Talking to yourself as a third person, “Aishwarya, you have to get up , go to work , you have to fight through this bad day for the coming best days”.

Gratitude should be practiced, it may seem difficult to find something good around during such times. Be thankful for what you have since gratitude turns what we have into what is enough.  Thank your body parts for working well without any injury enabling you to function. It may sound foolish but where gratitude begins, troubles end.

Appreciate everything openly, whenever you feel jealous just appreciate. Appreciation can make a day and even change a life.

Set new short term goals for yourself .  Whenever you know there is a problem remember there has to be a solution work towards it. Remind yourself of the times you have been successful.

Just take control of your life never give up, never quit.

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