





A Human Wellness is measured not only from outside but also from within. Wellness is a full integration of States of Physical, Mental & Spiritual well being. There are seven dimensions that act and interact in a way that contributes to our own quality of life:  Social, Emotional, Spiritual, Environmental, Occupational, Intellectual and Physical wellness. To improve our quality of life, we need to understand the importance of lifelong learning. But are we aware of it? Are we giving enough time to learn and improve  quality of our thoughts and skills?

Humans are born learners.  We spend 20 good years educating at school, college, university etc. Generally speaking it is true that a formal education and the resulting qualifications are important. But knowledge can be acquired and skill-sets developed anywhere and at any age –learning is unavoidable and happens all the time. Lifelong learning is about creating and maintaining a positive attitude to learning both for personal and professional development. Lifelong learners are the people who are motivated to learn and develop because they want to: it is a deliberate and voluntary act. Lifelong learning can enhance our understanding of the world and provide us with more and better opportunities and improve our quality of life.

There are two main aspects of a person’s development: Personal development and Professional development. These two aspects may not necessarily be distinct as personal development can improve your employment opportunities and professional development enables personal growth.

Learning for its own sake brings its own advantages. For example, learning in whatever context:

–           Boosts  confidence and self-esteem

–           Makes you Interesting and Charismatic

–           Makes you Independent and handy

–           Makes us less risk averse and more adaptable to change when it happens

–           Keeps your brain healthy

–           Helps us achieve a more satisfying personal life

–           Challenges our ideas and beliefs

–           Is fun

There does not need to be a specific reason for learning since learning for the sake of learning can in itself be a rewarding experience.  We live in the Knowledge Age, which means that the ability to apply the right knowledge effectively is an important skill and the cornerstone of our success. If you ever doubt the strength of knowledge and learning, just ask someone who hasn’t used a computer in 10 years to find an article on the Internet.

Learning makes us more interesting. Knowledge enables a different perspective, fascinating conversation and a deeper understanding. It makes us better people; allows us to make better informed decisions; and assists us in becoming more successful in all aspects of life. The advancement of technology has boosted the pace of our lives, and requires us to learn something new each day just to stay current.

The lack of knowledge prevents personal and professional growth, so it’s important to commit to lifelong learning as a practice for   eternal self-improvement. It is important for our wellness to be aware of our own self and to work each day towards perfection.

“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.” – Anthony D’Angelo

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